Posts Tagged ‘crack’

Update: Working at Burger King and Discovering the Most Hilarious Temp Agency in Existence

August 6, 2008

Long time no blog.

So I was desperate enough for a paycheck from any job whatsoever that I turned to the local Burger King.  It turns out that not only do Burger King jobs suck even more than I thought, but I actually suck at Burger King jobs.  We’re a perfect fucking match, all for the low low price of $7.15 an hour.  It doesn’t help that I never learned to mop properly.

Spurred by this development, I have turned to the temp agency route in an attempt to get any job that doesn’t make me want to shower four times in 28 hours, as I did yesterday.  Today, I went to two temp agencies, one of which offered me a job that I now realize I can’t get to, and the other of which turned out to be a crack den.
